
Start Your Vayus Flow Teacher Training

Become a certified Vayus Flow Yoga teacher 250hr, recognized by Yoga Alliance International, under the guidance of Enzo Ventimiglia. Join the team of pioneers who will help spread it from the very beginning.

Vayus Flow is the innovative­ approach designed by Mat You Can's founder, Enzo Ve­ntimiglia, renowned international teacher and trainer, with over 30 years of experience in the world of movement: it blends the energetic aspects of yoga with a meticulous study of experiential anatomy as a path to achieving joyful longevity.


The course is structured as follows:

- A 3-day in-person Vayus Flow Foundation module
- 5 Vayus modules in a weekend format with the option to participate online
- 1 Props module
- 10 online assessment meetings, each lasting 4 hours, held on weekdays
- A 3-day final Mastering module with exam and certification
- A total of 250 hours divided between contact hours, workshops, personal practice, and apprenticeship

Detailed modules


Vayus Flow Foundation

The Vayus Flow Foundation serves as an introduction to the fundamental principles of the Vayus Flow method and provides the necessary foundations to participate in the following modules.

Duration: 3 days for a total of 20 hours
Format: in-person

1. Introduction to Vayus Flow: principles and core philosophy
2. Yoga Fundamentals: Essential principles and philosophy
3. Exploration of the five energetic movements (Apana, Samana, Pran, Udana, Vyana)
4. The 5 pillars of Vayus Flow: Integration, Awareness, Experiential Anatomy, Multidimensional Movement, Energetic Perception
5. Introduction to experiential, energetic, and emotional anatomy
6. Introduction to the basics of applied muscular physiology
7. Lecture: The foot as a foundation for exploring our being
8. Dynamic alignment, osteokinematics, and arthrokinematics of the lower limbs
9. Asana essentials: theory, practice, and release of the main standing yoga postures found in the manual
10. Theory, practice, and deconstruction of Vayus Flow’s multidimensional movements
11. General energy reactivation protocol
12. Fascia Flow masterclass: Myofascial slings
13. Theory and practice of the science of breath
14. Vayus Flow Breathing and the sequence of the 12 touches
15. Relaxation and meditation techniques
16. Group discussions and in-depth explorations


5 Vayus Modules

The Vayus Modules delve deeper into specific aspects of the Vayus Flow method, exploring each of the five energetic movements in detail.
Each module focuses on a specific area from an anatomical, energetic, and emotional perspective, with references to the physiology of internal organs.

In every module, new techniques and movement dynamics will be introduced to rebalance the studied area.
- Apana
- Samana
- Pran
- Udana
- Vyana

Duration of each module: 24 hours, broken down as follows:
One weekend in-person or online (Saturday/Sunday, totaling 16 hours) + 2 online Assessment sessions (4 hours each).

Apana | Formazione Vayus Flow


1. Presentation of the fundamental principles of Apana energetic movement within the context of Vayus Flow
2. Theoretical deep dive into the meaning and practical application of Apana in posture and movement
3. Experiential anatomy of the pelvis, pelvic floor, and related organs
4. Physiology and vital functions associated with Apana's energetic movement: reactivating elimination energy
5. Practical exercises to increase awareness and strength in the pelvic region and hips, supporting Apana movement
6. Asana essentials: theory, practice, and deconstruction of the main hip-opening asanas
7. Practical sessions focused on Apana movement, designed to stimulate and balance the hips and pelvis
8. Exploration of breath awareness and its relationship to Apana movement
9. Integrating the principles of Apana movement into dynamic and creative movement sequences
10. Breathing techniques and meditation associated with Apana Vayu
11. Lecture: Prana and Apana – Holding on and letting go. How to balance excess energy in the body to develop creativity.

Samana | Formazione Vayus Flow


1. Presentation of the fundamental principles of Samana's energetic movement within the context of Vayus Flow.
2. Theoretical deep dive into the meaning and practical application of Samana in posture and movement.
3. Experiential, energetic, and emotional anatomy of the abdominal region, thoracolumbar fascia, and related organs.
4. Physiology and vital functions associated with Samana's energetic movement as the Vayu of assimilation and digestion.
5. Practical sessions focused on asanas and movement sequences designed to stimulate and balance Samana.
6. Asana essentials: theory, practice, and deconstruction of the main twisting asanas.
7. The core from a three-dimensional perspective.
8. Exploration of breath awareness and its relationship with Samana movement and intra-abdominal pressure management.
9. Lecture: Understanding the concept of energy equalization associated with the internal fire of Agni. The abdominal area as the nerve center of human physiology.
10. Understanding the main connections between internal organs: liver, stomach, intestines, spleen, and kidneys.
11. Breathing and meditation techniques associated with Samana Vayu.
12. Tanden: Energetic perspectives related to the abdominal area as the central core of energy storage.
13. Lecture: The gut-brain axis – our second brain.
14. Understanding the influence of the gut on brain and emotional functions.

Pran | Formazione Vayus Flow


1. Presentation of the fundamental principles of Pran's energetic movement within the context of Vayus Flow.
2. Theoretical deep dive into the meaning and practical application of Pran in posture and movement.
3. Experiential, energetic, and emotional anatomy of the spine, diaphragm, and related organs.
4. Physiology and vital functions associated with Pran's energetic movement related to energy absorption.
5. Practical sessions designed to stimulate thoracic extension and connect with the expansive qualities of breath.
6. Asana essentials: theory, practice, and deconstruction of the main backbending asanas.
7. Spine Flow: The mobility of the spine as the elixir of youth and longevity.
8. Breathing techniques aimed at improving breath retention capacity.
9. Energetic perspectives: The spine as a connection axis between heaven and earth.
10. Lecture: Heart coherency – The heart as a powerful electromagnetic field.
11. Basic sequencing: How to teach movement sequences from simple to complex versions.
12. Lecture: The evolution of the spine as a transition element from ocean to land.

Udana | Formazione Vayus Flow


1. Presentation of the fundamental principles of Udana's energetic movement within the context of Vayus Flow.
2. Theoretical deep dive into the meaning and practical application of Udana in posture and movement.
3. Experiential, energetic, and emotional anatomy of the shoulder girdle, cervical area, and related organs.
4. Physiology and vital functions associated with Udana's energetic movement, connected to cognitive functions.
5. Practical exercises to increase awareness and strength in the arms and shoulders.
6. Asana essentials: theory, practice, and deconstruction of the main shoulder-opening asanas and arm balances.
7. Lecture: The shoulders, messengers of the heart.
8. Shoulder Flow: Mobilizing and stabilizing for shoulder health.
9. Connections between the shoulders, neck, and arms.
10. Breathing and meditation techniques associated with Udana Vayu.
11. Lecture: The shoulders, messengers of the heart.
12. Lecture: Grounding and Centering – between grounding and centering.

Vyana | Formazione Vayus Flow


1. Presentation of the fundamental principles of Vyana's energetic movement within the context of Vayus Flow.
2. Theoretical deep dive into the meaning and practical application of Vyana in posture and movement.
3. Experiential, energetic, and emotional anatomy of the myofascial, nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems.
4. Physiology and vital functions associated with Vyana's energetic movement, tied to the role of distribution and integration throughout the body.
5. Lecture: Fascia as a connecting element that introduces the concept of movement circularity.
6. Practical exercises to improve the integration of various body segments in functional movements.
7. Fascia Flow: Applied multidimensional movement.
8. Lecture: Neuroplasticity as the foundation for learning complex movement patterns.
9. Effective communication, ethics, and student relationships.
10. Lecture: Spatial intelligence and exploring space through the five senses.
11. Breathing and meditation techniques associated with Vyana Vayu.
12. Classroom management techniques and adapting to students' needs.
13. Study of the complete energetic map of the 5 Vayus.


Props Module

This module focuses on the creative and effective use of Vayus props (Vayus block, Vayus ball, Vayus belt) to enrich and deepen the practice and teaching of Vayus Flow.

Duration: 2 days for a total of 16 hours
Format: in-person or live streaming

1. Presentation of the specific functions of Vayus props as a tool for integration and support in practice.
2. Introducing small props to create support and comfort in practice.
3. How to use Vayus props to improve alignment and stability.
4. The impact of Vayus props on body anatomy and physiology.
5. Dynamic and creative sequences with the use of Vayus props.
6. Vayus props supporting flexibility and self-massage.


Mastering Module

This module represents the culmination of the Vayus Flow training, during which students will have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge and skills and obtain the Vayus Flow Yoga Teacher Certification.
Duration: 3 days for a total of 20 hours, including a final exam and certification
Format: In-person only

1.Review and consolidation of the fundamental principles of Vayus Flow.
2. Adjustment principles: Tactile cues in Vayus Flow.
3. Deep relaxation techniques to stimulate the vagal tone.
4. Lecture: The state of Flow – How attention gives meaning to action, making it significant and transformative.
5. Advanced practices and dynamic movement sequences focused on integrating the acquired principles.
6. Communication techniques and voice usage.
7. Marketing applied to Vayus Flow.
8. Networking opportunities and connection with other Vayus Flow teachers.
9. One-on-one: The Vayus Flow approach in individual sessions.
10. Preparation and execution of the final certification exam.
11. Diploma presentation and celebration of the completion of the training.
12. Deep relaxation techniques.

The Vayus Flow Teacher Training includes:

- A complete educational manual with QR codes for exercises.
- Access to exclusive online content.
- A dedicated Telegram group.
- Vayus Flow Yoga Teacher Certification diploma (250 hours) recognized by Yoga Alliance International.


1. Why should I join the Vayus Flow training?
Becoming a Vayus Flow Yoga teacher gives you access to an innovative approach that integrates various principles and techniques, offering a profound and enriching experience for both teachers and students. This training provides a solid foundation of knowledge and practices that will allow you to explore the connection between anatomy, movement, and energy within the human body.
Becoming a Vayus Flow teacher means not only enhancing your personal practice but also acquiring tools and techniques to help others achieve greater awareness, well-being, and vitality. This method also offers a wide range of techniques that can be adapted to address common physical issues, thus enriching every teacher's repertoire and offering greater versatility in their teaching. Finally, becoming a Vayus Flow teacher gives you the opportunity to inspire and motivate students through a dynamic and creative practice that integrates mind, body, and energy.

2. How can Vayus Flow support my teaching career?
Vayus Flow offers you an innovative and integrative perspective in teaching movement and well-being. This course provides a comprehensive approach based on scientific principles and advanced practices to help your students achieve better body awareness and effective stress management.
As a Vayus Flow teacher, you will have access to a wide range of tools and techniques that you can integrate into your existing practice, thus enriching your teaching and offering new perspectives to your students. This course is particularly valued by therapists, physical educators, and teachers of yoga, Pilates, sports, and dance, as it provides practical and in-depth skills that can be applied in various contexts and fields.
With Vayus Flow, you will have the opportunity to expand your skills, improve your students’ performance, and add value to your teaching career.

3. What will I be able to teach after certification?
As a certified Vayus Flow Yoga teacher, you will be authorized to use the Vayus Flow Teacher logo in your communication and can teach Vayus Flow classes.

4. Where can I teach Yoga?
The Vayus Flow 250-hour certification is recognized by Yoga Alliance International, allowing teachers to teach all over the world and apply for insurance.

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